Ulnar Nerve Neuropathy – An Ayurvedic Approach through Marma Chikitsa: A Case Report.



Nerve entrapment, Ulnar tunnel syndrome, Claw hand, Vata Vyadhi, Vital points


Ulnar nerve is the one of the most important nerves among the three major nerves in the forearm. Neuropathy due to entrapment of the ulnar nerve within the elbow (Cubital tunnel) and wrist (Guyon’s canal) results in numbness, tingling sensation and loss of grip in fingers especially ring & little fingers. It can be compared with Manibandha gata Vatavyadhi in Ayurveda. We hereby report a case of a 40 years old male patient of right Ulnar nerve neuropathy who was treated for 2 months under an allopathic physician with no sign of relief and advised to go for surgery. So, he came to O.P.D Shalya Tantra department of Sri Venkateswara Ayurveda College & Hospital, Tirupati for better treatment. Marma  Chikitsa in Ayurveda includes stimulation of Marma points i.e source of prana (energy points) through manipulation techniques for a period of 14 days without advising any oral medications. We found significant clinical improvement in quality of life after two weeks of treatment. During treatment, all the signs and symptoms of the patient were reduced. Therefore the selected treatment modality was found beneficial in managing Ulnar nerve neuropathy ailments and may avoid surgery & other proceeding complications in future.



Author Biography

Dr. Gurram Venkata Chandramouli

PG Scholar, Sri Venkateswara Ayurvedic College, SVIMS campus, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.


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How to Cite

Chandramouli GV. Ulnar Nerve Neuropathy – An Ayurvedic Approach through Marma Chikitsa: A Case Report. IJATM [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];3(5):30-4. Available from: https://ijatm.org/index.php/ijatm/article/view/85

