A Consensus driven statement for Ayurvedic Nomenclature of Various liver diseases (Yakrit Roga).


  • Dr. Ashok Kumar Panda
  • Dr. Anukul Kar
  • Vaidya Neelam Gupta
  • Dr. Ramakanta Yadav
  • Dr. Gouri Shankar Prasad Mishra
  • Dr. Suvendu Rout


Liver Disease, Nomenclature, Yakrit Vikara


Introduction:  More than sixty percent of jaundice patients of our country have the first choice to visit to traditional healers for their treatment .Hepatology is developed a lot and various classification of liver diseases are enumerated vividly whereas Ayurveda limited to Yakrddalyudara. So, the knowledge gap in Ayurveda classification of liver diseases can be elaborated in light of modern medicine by consensus study.

Methods: A panel of five experts with experience in teaching and treating liver diseases were identified. A common statement was prepared and reviewed by participants. Extrapolated data of classification of other diseases were incorporated in the classification of liver diseases in light of modern literature.

Results and Discussion: As Yakitdalludara is an umbrella term consisting of all Yakrit Vikara so Yakrit Vikara broadly classified as Yakritvriddhi, Yakrit Kshyaya, Yakrit Vidradhi, Yakrit Granthi and Yakritarbuda. The liver diseases of modern medicine also come under Pittaja Pandu, Kamala and its types. Yakritodara, Yakrit Vidradhi, Raktapitta, Jalodara, Madatyaya and Pittaja Jvara are related with Liver disorders.

Conclusions: Yakrit Vikara may be classified as Santarpana Janya or Apatarpana Janya Vikara. Again Yakritvridhi / Yakrit Kshyaya can be further classified as Dosaja, Amaja, Krmija, Asatmyaja, Visaja etc. This consensus statement is intended for further direct discussion of practicing clinicians and academicians of Ayurveda in the field of Ayurveda Hepatology.

Author Biographies

Dr. Ashok Kumar Panda

Central Ayurveda Research Institute for Hepato-biliary Disorders, Bharatpur, Bhubaneswar, CCRAS, M/O AYUSH, Government of India.

Dr. Anukul Kar

 Professor & HOD, Department of Roga Vigyana & Vikriti vigyana, IMS, BHU, India. 

Vaidya Neelam Gupta

Assistant . Professor, Ayurveda & Unani Tibia  College and Hospital, New Delhi.

Dr. Ramakanta Yadav

Professor & HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi.

Dr. Gouri Shankar Prasad Mishra

Senior Ayurveda Medical officer, Odisha  State Assembly Ayurveda dispensary, Bhubaneswar, India. 

Dr. Suvendu Rout

Professor & HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, Sri Jayendra swaraswati Ayurveda Mohavidyalaya, Nazrathpet, Chennai


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How to Cite

Panda AK, Kar A, Gupta N, Yadav R, Mishra GSP, Rout S. A Consensus driven statement for Ayurvedic Nomenclature of Various liver diseases (Yakrit Roga). . IJATM [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];3(5):16-21. Available from: https://ijatm.org/index.php/ijatm/article/view/64

